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female Saluki


  • Has no surname, known only as Cessair (kah-seer)

  • Is immortal, though appears 24

  • Is a sub-species of fae known as Xana

  • A part of the Unseelie court

  • Was cursed by a witch to share the grief of everyone she meets and to lose her memories should she ever experience happiness again

  • Markings are symmetrical

  • Always seen with her roses

As a particular fae known as a Xana, Cessair is a creature of love and beauty. Elegant and alluring, she has always possessed a delicate beauty and the dose of vanity a girl like her could be expected to have. Like many Xanas, she has the ability to turn ordinary matter into precious metals and offers rewards of gold or silver to those she deems worthy. With a hypnotic voice that can be heard during spring and summer nights, she could once was use her song to both fill others with a sense of peace and love and also make others feel as if they were suffocating and drive them insane.


When she was younger and crueller, Cessair would play with the hearts and minds of others without considering the consequences. Whilst she enjoyed filling people with peace and love, she enjoyed driving men insane twice as much. To her, it was all play. For an immortal who had an eternity ahead of her, it was a fun pass time.


However, she was soon taught her lesson the hard way. Once, she drove a young witch who fell for her to a madness that led to his death and, in retribution, his mother placed a curse on her; every person she comes across she will share all their grief; past, present and future and should she ever find a moment of happiness again, she will be stripped of it; her memories wiped.


Cessair’s voice carries peace and love no more, even when she speaks the world’s grief seems to echo in every word she speaks. She desperately desires happiness again but knows she will never have it.


Like all Xana, Cessair is able to turn ordinary matter into precious metals but tends to favour silver and white gold. She also has the ability to drive others insane and even suffocate them just by listening to her her song.

+ Jewellery 

+ Roses

+ Stargazing

+ Keeping well groomed 

- Iron



Sindri | Friend

Syrus | Friend

Naiad | Frienemy

Valhalla | Friend

Name | Role

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