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As a witch, she relatively well-versed in a variety of different magic from simple charms, to scrying and more complex spellwork. She’s perhaps dangerously attracted to dark magic - as she has an addictive personality and although she tries to avoid most things that this part of her would latch onto, she sometimes fails so her attraction to the dark arts is a definitely a line she must be careful to walk. To those close to her, she is known to dabble with necromancy - though she tries to be careful, knowing there can be dire consequences with such practises.


  • She is 24 in human years

  • Her height in human form is 5'6"

  • Is English

  • Is an independent witch but is friends with many of the Beltane coven.

  • Her hair can be any length as sometimes she does grow it out and others she has it cut short, typically in human form she has a shoulder length bob

  • Always wears two chokers

Kore Evergreen

female fox mix

At a distance, Kore comes across as a quiet, reserved individual and although once you approach and talk to her she may come across as sarcastic, it’s clear that she’s friendly, easy-going and a genuinely kind person. Whilst she has a wide circle of friends, she’s close to very few and even with those people, she keeps certain things to herself - she dislikes opening up about herself to others, even friends and would much rather be there for others to divulge to rather than talk about herself.


Kore is a character of morbid curiosity, possessing a strange fascination when it comes to death, decay and the gory and gruesome. She enjoys collecting skulls, will pick up feathers she finds on the ground and often keeps flowers when they have decayed, finding them maybe even more beautiful dead. She loves watching classic horror films because despite the sometimes awful acting and bad visual effects, they’re something she’s always enjoyed since she was a little girl. Whilst they once scared her, the films now make her laugh and she just adores the idea and heart of them.

Although she can have an excellent memory, contradicting that statement, she’s also very forgetful and can sometimes forget something that was spoke of only just ten minutes before. She’s also a character of terrible punctuality, her sense of time seemingly nonexistent because she always thinks she has more time to do things than she actually has.


Indecisive, noncommittal and perhaps fickle in the way she thinks and feels, Kore is not someone who knows what she wants which often leads to her making mistakes in life decisions and relationships but more often than not, once one mistake has been made she’ll likely not make the same mistake twice.


+ Coffee

+ Classic horror films

+ Piercings

+ Magic

+ Collecting skulls

+ Burning sage

+ Incense

+ Candles

+ Music

+ Art

+ Gin

+ Winter


- Waking up early

- Talking about her own feelings

- Reality TV

- Whiskey

- Bacon

- Arrogance

- Discrimination

- Olives 


Rhodes | Friend

Luna | Friend

Syrus | Friend

Eliphas | Friend

Church | Friend

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