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As part of her Xana nature combined with her Elemental nature, Naiad has the ability to breath out gold dust, as well as possessing the ability to turn ordinary matter into gold and other precious metals. Like many Seelie fae, she can also absorb sunlight and utilise it as pure energy.


Like all fae, she is unable to touch cold iron. It physically repels her as it burns to touch and is one of the few things that can kill any fae. 

female Borzoi

  • Has no surname, known only as Naiad

  • Is immortal, though appears 26

  • Is a sub-species of fae known as Xana

  • A part of the Seelie court

  • The gold thorns Soren wears were ordinary thorns, until Naiad turned them into gold as a form of affection.

  • Her markings are symmetrical

Half Elemental fae, half Xana, Naiad is a  high blooded fae of the Summer Court who draws her power from the sun. Elegant, majestic and captivating, she come across as mysterious in demeanour and she possesses a kind, caring nature with a strong aversion towards injustice and unnecessary cruelty. Upon getting to know her, she will be amicable and reliable, though as it’s in her nature her word is not always honest and true. 


Naiad has a streak in her that is materialistic and hedonistic, but for a fae she tends to be uncharacteristically generous. Other fae whisper than maybe she’s a bit too fond of mortals and the amount of time she spends in their company, the more she seems to adopt more of their ways.


As a Seelie fae, Naiad is a lover of sunlight, summer and heat. As with many Summer fae, during the months where Winter reigns, she tends to suffer with symptoms similar to that of Seasonal Affective disorder mortals sometimes struggle with. Winter renders her depressive and drains her spirit and energy, yet she tries to remain in the mortal realm despite this.

+ Summer

+ Sunlight

+ Heat

+ Honeycomb

+ Mochaccinos

+ Caramel lattes

+ Dark chocolate

+ Iced lemon tea

+ Sunflowers

+ Daffodils





- Iron

- Cold temperatures

- Snow

- Sundown

- Being trapped

- Cream

- Ginger

- Cheap materials

- Orange flavoured chocolate

Soren | Friend

Rhodes | Friend

Lysander | Friend

Valhalla | Friend

Sindri | Friend

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