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- Waking up early

- Talking about her own feelings

- Reality TV

- Whiskey

- Bacon

- Arrogance

- Discrimination

- Olives 


  • Full name is Rane Beltaine

  • He is 29 in human years

  • His height in human form is 6'1"

  • Is of Gaelic and Scandinavian descent 

  • Brother to Saga, Soren, Boe, and Falk

Rane is the oldest of the siblings, initially before he was made I had a different order with the brothers but Rane felt right to be the oldest. He is responsible and bears the torch of leadership within the Beltane coven. Like all the Beltane siblings, his magic is strongly connected to nature but his magical abilities lay with stones in particular. 


Being highly self-critical, Rane is deeply regretful and ashamed of his own mistake and wears an eye patch to hide it. Since his accident, he is much more cautious when using magic, his perfectionist and cynical attitude has reached a different level and he's become more pedantic and methodological in everything he does. Though he doesn't mean to, this quality of his can sometimes be reflected onto his siblings and he can unintentionally put them down or make them feel stupid, which causes clashes - particularly with his brothers Soren and Boe.


Despite his flaws, he does get along with his siblings for the most part and is very close to them. His younger brothers and sister tend to mock his serious "stick up the butt" attitude, but he takes what they say with a pinch of salt and a signature eye roll.


Magic-wise, Rane can manipulate stones as he wishes, even able to group them together into figure of an animate person (on a small scale). Not only this, he can also turn living matter into stone although it proves draining. Unfortunately, during an accident when he was much younger his own magic backfired and whilst to the quick thinking of his mother saved his life, he lost an eye for his own mistake - his eye and the socket were turned to stone. 

+ Coffee

+ Classic horror films

+ Piercings

+ Magic

+ Collecting skulls

+ Burning sage

+ Incense

+ Candles

+ Music

+ Art

+ Gin

+ Winter



Rane Beltane

Male Rough Collie

Soren | Brother

Boe | Brother

Saga | Sister

Falk | Brother

Name | Role

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