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  • She is 23 in human years

  • Her height in human form is 5'4"

  • Is of Gaelic and Scandinavian descent 

  • Sister of Soren, Rane, Boe and Falk

  • Has a number of hedgehog companions, though Skadi, Nymeria, Lagertha and Floki are her closest friends

  • The roses in her fur do not grow from her body, they grow in her fur itself

  • Collects crystals

Being the only girl in the family of boys, whilst Saga is affectionate, kind, compassionate and feminine, she is no stranger to “being one of the guys” and when it comes to banter and play-fighting, will give as good as she gets. All in good spirit, of course. Despite this, Saga is someone that can be described as “too nice” in that she doesn’t want to actually hurt or upset others and she hates conflict so she ultimately can end up being walked over by others. 


There isn’t a truly aggressive bone in her body, though sometimes she tries to act the part. She could easily be defined as a pacifist, as she can’t bare even the thought of harming another. Saga is calm, reserved and often called quiet, she possesses an altruistic soul and seems to always be positive and optimistic, naturally always trying to see the good in people and the positive in situations. Her brother, Soren, notes when playing chess she always plays the defensive, not offensive and that’s how she typically seems to be and approach people and situations sometimes and she can’t seem to help it. 


Saga gets along with all her brothers, though sometimes can be upset by Rane’s unintentionally harsh words. She’s the glue that keeps them together in a way, as no matter what the conflict her brothers may have with each other sometimes, they always have her to turn to for support and she seems to always find a way to mend relations. She has a maternal and deeply caring streak in her, which has led to her adopting many abandoned and rejected hoglets all of which are her babies.


When it comes to magic, Saga has an affinity for crystal magic. She uses crystals in almost all her spells and is very proficient in using them to heal and in scrying. She even has the ability to sometimes glimpse into the future through crystals, though has yet to fully explore and harness this ability so what she sees is often blurred and uncertain.


+ Nature

+ Her spike babies

+ Crystals

+ Magic

+ Raspberry cheesecake

+ Darjeeling tea

+ Summer


- Violence

- Conflict

- Spiders, is scared of them

- Rooibos tea

- Tequila


Saga Beltane

Female Rough Collie

Rane | Brother

Soren | Brother

Boe | Brother

Falk | Brother

Rhodes | Friend

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