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  • He is 28 in human years

  • His height in human form is 6'2"

  • Is of Gaelic and Scandinavian descent 

  • Older brother to Saga, Rane, Boe and Falk

  • Regularly plays chess, often against his siblings, remains the chess champion in his family.

  • The gold thorns he wears were ordinary thorns, until Naiad turned them into gold as a form of affection.

Proud, confident and intelligent, Soren is a guy that not only possesses the looks, but also possesses brains. Like all of the Beltane siblings, he has a strong connection to nature and personally loves spending time walking through forests, especially in the dark where he oftens get lost in his own thoughts and deep thinking. He enjoys intellectual pursuits and loves to discover and learn new things. Though he comes across as sociable to an extent, Soren is ultimately an extrovert and does like to spend time by himself from time to time and has been known to play chess against himself.


His pride makes him extremely competitive and unfortunately, he can be a sore loser - but at the same time, he often doesn’t compete with others unless he’s very confident in the likelihood of him winning. Soren can be very stubborn in opinions, decisions and even actions and it’s very hard to change his mind, though not entirely impossible. 


Soren loves his family very dearly. Although pretty close to them all, he is closest to his sister, Saga and plays chess against her the most and though still the undefeated champion, there has been a few close matches which he enjoys thoroughly. He’s protective, reliable and people can trust in him to be a confidant, and despite being responsible, leading the coven has no appeal and is to him, too much responsibility he doesn’t want, he leaves that role in the careful hands of Rane.


When it comes to magic, Soren studies and reads grimoires meticulously and is an incredibly quick learner, he has a good amount of knowledge amount curses, hexes, herbology and alchemy in particular. However, Soren has an affinity for shadow magic, where he draws his powers from the shadows and not only that, but he can create, manipulate and control them. As well as this, connected perhaps closer to nature, he has some ability to control thorny plants. 


- Big crowds

- Confined spaces

- Losing

- Being wrong


Soren Beltane

Male Rough Collie

+ Chess

+ Challenges

+ Puzzles

+ Nightfall

+ Reading

+ Nature

+ Animals

+ Caffè americano 

+ The smell of burning wood

Rane | Brother

Boe | Brother

Saga | Sister

Falk | Brother

Naiad | Friend

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