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An expert marksmen, Syrus is an deadly assassin who specialises in killing the supernatural. Whilst some consider his level of accuracy superhuman, he is not of a supernatural nature. Preferring long ranged weapons and guns, Syrus is  a contract killer who's known for his precision and lack of mess in his particular style. Killing mostly from a distance, he is rarely seen or heard - even by the supernatural - and he has built a reputation as a guy that never misses.  


  • Full name is Syrus Mortimer

  • He is 30 in human years

  • His height in human form is 6'0"

  • Is an hunter/supernatural assassin 

  • Expert marksman, rarely misses a shot taken

  • Is favoured by Luna who protects him from death

Syrus is incredibly intelligent and it is that intelligence that gives him a very low EQ. He is blunt and doesn’t care or even understand how his words affect others, causing him to come across as rude and arrogant but he's retreated into himself a little, remaining quiet as communicating with others frustrates him. He's someone who thinks more logically than emotionally and is more observant, than perceptive. 


He often comes across as serious and although fairly void of emotion and would never admit to feeling, he cares a great deal about his few close friends and is very protective and loyal to them. An expert marksmen, Syrus is an deadly assassin who specialises in killing the supernatural. Whilst some consider his level of accuracy superhuman, he is not of a supernatural nature.

Few people know that the banished valkyrie, Luna, was so impressed by his skill that she has granted Syrus favour for some time and has a hand in keeping death at bay from him.

+ Long ranged weapons

+ Guns

+ Piercings

+ Logic

+ Competition

+ Challenges

+ Coffee


- Feelings

- People getting too close to him, emotionally and physically

- Having to be social

- Most people

- Tea


Syrus Mortimer

Male Standard Poodle

Luna | Protector

Sindri | Role

Cessair | Role

Name | Role

Name | Role

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